


BHD-290L is our companys latest developed drilling rig, with 400mm maximum opening diameter clamps, and the longer mast for 10.5m rotary head stroke, that can realize 10 meter vertical borehole drilling with one go, without the need of frequent coupling of the drilling rod, that further improving drilling efficiency. With detachable drilling mast, the drilling rig can be used for vertical one-go borehole drilling as well as horizontal and angular borehole drilling by detach one section of the mast. With constant drilling angle monitoring of the drilling mast the drilling rig can drill precisely to required borehole position. The operating panel can be swing in-out and up-down, making it convenient for operators to observe the borehole mouth.

大理市| 滕州市| 兴仁县| 德清县| 本溪市| 广安市| 长白| 和平区| 洞头县| 抚宁县| 遵义县| 兴国县| 定西市| 醴陵市| 台南市| 阆中市| 五大连池市| 平泉县| 乐业县| 安新县| 新巴尔虎左旗| 响水县| 思南县| 东丰县| 奉节县| 宣化县| 兴文县| 鸡西市| 安仁县| 疏勒县| 穆棱市| 莱芜市| 壤塘县| 维西| 宁夏| 普宁市| 拉孜县| 观塘区| 灵寿县| 武邑县| 长春市|